Spiritual Formation

St. Luke Catholic School strives to embed authentic opportunities to foster spiritual growth for our students through all we do. In addition to celebrating mass as a school twice a week, holidays and other special occasions, the following are other programatic examples. Note: This is not an exhaustive list.

Alumni Mass - Each spring, the 5th grade students invite their “buddies”, the graduating High School Seniors, to mass and a reception immediately following.  The seniors are given a St. Luke medal and the 5th graders perform a special song dedicated to their “buddies”. 

– Each fall the 8th grade students receive a 1st grade “buddy”.  The “buddies” do special activities throughout the year where the 8th grade students mentor and befriend their 1st grade buddies.

Buddy Mass / Welcome Mass
– The Welcome Mass occurs at the beginning of the school year.  New students, new teachers, and 1st grade buddies are escorted in to  the church and introduced to Monsignor at the beginning of mass.  Each teacher escorts their new students, the Principal escorts the new teachers, and the 8th grade students escort their 1st grade buddies. It is a beautiful way to welcome these individuals to the St. Luke family!

Buddy Mass/ Farewell Mass
- A special Mass is held at the end of the year to offer 8th graders and their 1st grade buddies an opportunity to celebrate mass and friendship together for the last time in the year.

Catholic Schools Week
– St. Luke Catholic School participates in Catholic Schools Week (CSW) each spring.  CSW begins with an Open House on the last Sunday in January. The school hosts special events each day of CSW, hosts an Open Visitation Day, and participates in a school-wide service project.  

– Confirmation preparation is provided for students entering 8th grade. Student content preparation takes place in religion class for school and SMRE, service activities and retreats take place outside of school. Students are confirmed the following fall in 9th grade.

First Holy Communion (Eucharist)
– Students in the second grade receive their First Holy Communion.  The instruction normally starts in January and the children usually receive the sacrament on either the last weekend in April or the first weekend in May. 

First Friday/Benediction
-  Students in grades 3-8 participate in Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction on First Fridays at 2:45PM (during the school day).

Gospel Reenactment - Each year, the 3rd grade students reenact the Christmas Story during one of our last Masses before Christmas Break. 

Holy Thursday/The Last Supper Reenactment
- A prayer service is presented by the 6th grade classes.

Light of Leadership Mass
- The 7th grade students become the leaders of our school.  During the 7th grade led mass there is a candle lighting at the beginning which forms a circle around the entire church. 

Living Rosary
- The living Rosary is prayed each year in October led by our 7th grade students. 

May Crowning
- A beautiful and memorable ceremony is held during which the 8th grade class crowns Mary and Jesus.

Monday Gathering
– St. Luke students and faculty gather together once each month to pray and praise as an entire school community. We pray together as a school, recognize students or school groups for special accomplishments, watch a fun video of the events from the previous month, recognize the birthdays for the upcoming month, and celebrate St. Luke School!

Passion of our Lord
- The Passion Play is performed twice by the 8th grade, on the Wednesday of Holy Week in the evening and on Good Friday as part of the closing prayer service. 

Saint Recitals
– Each fall the 2nd grade students select a saint who is special to them and prepare a presentation about that saint.  Parents are invited to school for the Saint Recital, where the students dress up like their saint and share what they learned about their saint. 

St. Nicholas Day
– St. Luke’s St. Nicholas Day celebration is coordinated by the PTO, Student Council and a visit from St. Nicholas, himself 

The Sacrament of Reconciliation
– The second grade participates in their First Reconciliation on a Saturday in early December. Gr. 5-8 students have the opportunity for Confession every other Wednesday from 12-12:45. Advent and Lenten Confession services are held for grades 3-4.

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