
While assessments do not truly paint the entire picture of each students, they do provide immediate feedback and data to ensure each individual student is receiving the proper instruction. Below is listed several assessment pieces that we use to gauge student academic development.

NWEA: The NWEA Map Growth assessment is given in August, December, and May to gauge growth of each student. This specific assessment allows teachers to analyze strengths and weakness in Literacy and Math and is used to develop lesson plans and differentiated instruction. In addition, students in K-2 are also assessed using the NWEA Reading Fluency, which allows teachers to monitor oral reading fluency, literal comprehension, and foundational reading skills.  

IREAD: In third grade, students complete the IREAD assessment in March. Per the DOE website, "IREAD-3 is a timed, multiple-choice only assessment consisting of three separate test segments. The first segment measures foundational reading skills, including phonics and vocabulary. The remaining two segments assess students’ ability to silently read and comprehend nonfiction and literary texts." 

ILEARN: All students in Grades 3-8 complete the ILEARN assessment in April. This online assessment consists of a computer-adaptive test segment and a performance task (writing). Per the DOE website, "Indiana Learning Evaluation Assessment Readiness Network (ILEARN) is the summative accountability assessment for Indiana students in grades 3 through 8. ILEARN measures student achievement and growth according to Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts (grades 3 through 8), Mathematics (grades 3 through 8), Science (grades 4 and 6), and Social Studies (grade 5)."

WIDA: For students and families where English is a new language, the WIDA assessment is administered. Per the DOE website, "WIDA provides the English language proficiency placement and annual assessments administered in Indiana. WIDA Screener assessments are used to identify and inform initial programmatic placement of English Learners. WIDA ACCESS summative assessments are administered annually to determine an EL’s current level of English proficiency and to monitor students’ progress in learning academic English. WIDA ACCESS assessments are also used for accountability purposes."

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